How to order
Chinese to English translation services in Ontario (Toronto, Ottawa, etc.)


Translation Agency of Ontario


Certified translation from Arabic in Toronto, Ottawa, etc.


We provide certified translation services for clients in Toronto, Ottawa and the rest of Ontario.


We translate marriage and birth certificates, driver's licenses, police certificates, diplomas and transcripts, passports and divorce decrees, power of attorneys, medical documents, resumes, etc. Along with personal documents, we translate contracts, websites, brochures, technical guides, business letters and other types of documents.

我们从中文的翻译经过认证,Citizenship and Immigration Canada、Service Ontario、Medical Council of Canada、大学、认证机构、外国大使馆和领事馆等都接受我们的翻译。

Our certified translations from Arabic are accepted by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Service Ontario, Medical Council of Canada, universities, attestation organizations, foreign embassies and consulates, etc.


How to order

客户可以通过填写Free quote表格或通过电子邮件发给我们需要翻译的文件来免费咨询报价。您也可以使用同样的方式在网上购买我们的服务。客户可在网上使用信用卡/借记卡、PayPal预付翻译费或到我们办公室当面付款。

Clients may request a free quote by filling out the Free quote form or emailing us the document. You can place an online order the very same way. Clients prepay the job online using credit/debit cards, PayPal or in person at our office.


Our office in Toronto is open for those willing to order in person.

如果您有任何问题,可以通过电子邮件、电话或亲自去到办公室咨询他们。请在Contact us页面查找我们的联系方式和办公时间。

Should you have any questions, you can ask them by email, phone or in person. Check our contact information and office hours on the Contact us page.

A surcharge applies to some exotic languages or special requests.
